Global Dream Log

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I was being chased at night through the woods by a ninja. Throwing knives kept whizzing by me and sticking into nearby trees.I pulled out a knife to throw back at the ninja. The ninja asked me how much the knife weighed. I told him 1 lb (which is pretty heavy for a knife). He laughed and pulled out a 10 lb throwing knife (which is just ridiculous) and threw it at me. The dream then took an abrupt turn. It was now daylight. I was running down an open grassy hill from a group of people chasing me with javelins. They kept telling me to stand still, to which I responded, “no, then you are going to throw your javelins at me.” They managed to convince me that they didn't want to hit me with the javelins. They wanted to throw the javelins so that they would just miss my head, stick in the ground, and whip back and hit me in the face. I guess this sounded pretty reasonable to me, because I agreed and stood still. Then I woke up.

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