Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 22, 2010:

I was an astronaut. I was at a grocery store parking lot and I found out I was going into space, so random people kept picking me up and running around the parking lot with me. Then I went into space with four other astronauts and one actor for some reason. We got to a space station and found blueberry muffins and blueberry Kool-Aid in the fridge which told us there must have been some Russian spies around. Then one guy floated out into space, but we reeled him back in with a fishing pole. They made a documentary about our trip and now it plays all the time on Channel 3. Also, I was left handed.


My husband and I are visiting an older couple who I believe to be my in-laws (but they are not). The couple is having an argument. The husband accuses the wife of spending too much time with household chores and not enough with him. She responds that she has her hands full taking care of him and his stupid finger.


It was my birthday. I was at a casino with a bunch of family and friends. I badly wanted to enjoy my birthday with drinking, gambling, and good company, but some family members weren't into gambling and only wanted to "see the sights." Some friends were angry with other friends, and dramatic situations continued to pile up. One friend was impossible to find because they were off playing poker in some casino by themselves. Eventually I snapped and just went to one of the virtual black-jack games and bet a few hundred dollars. I lost it all.