Global Dream Log

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Dreams from February 28, 2010:

I only remember fragments of my dream last night, but I do remember that it was extremely violent. I actually dreamed that I was sleeping in my bed and woke up when a group of people kicked my door in. I'm not sure what happened next, but I somehow became involved with a dangerous group of people who were all making grabs for power. It was very intricate, and I really don't remember the details. In the end, we locked ourselves (about 20 of us) in a room and sat in a circle on the floor. We decided the best thing to do would be to pass around a shotgun. When you had the gun, you were allowed to kill one person. The last five people left at the end would get to live and be in charge. For some reason everyone agreed, and we proceeded to shoot each other. It was very vivid and frightening. I don't know how it ended.