Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 27, 2010:

I am in my house with a friend whom my dad has never met. My dad isn't home but me and my friend are hanging out in the basement. We go to walk up the stairs to get something to eat. I see my dad is in the room past the top of the stairs and I freak out. My friend who's in the middle of the stair case is just standing there looking at me. I discreetly whisper so him to "go back down the stairs." He just stares at me. I quietly ask again and he just stares at me. I scream at the top of my lungs "GO DOWN THE STAIRS!" He still just stands there. "GO THE F*** DOWN THE STAIRS MY DADS GOING TO HEAR YOU!". He never moved...


I'm back at my old highschool who yearly has a notoriously bad football team. I am on the field, not necessarily on the team, but I'm around. The coach of my school points to me and demands I go out and kick off in the middle of the game which we are already getting killed in. This apparently is an opportunity too big to pass up. I go out and kick off and do a terrible job and the opposing team returns it for a touchdown. Naturally the coach puts me in to do the same thing again and to the same result I did. Now the team is mad at me alone for losing the game...

Dreams from January 26, 2010:

I was working in my office when Dr. Cox from Scrubs showed up. Somehow I tricked him into completing all of my paperwork for me, which he was not happy about.


I'm back at my old high-school. I'm going through the lunch line with the kid who was my best friend at the time. We go through and pick out our food and go to check out. I stop the lunch-lady and say "wait, I want one of those BIG cookies!". she grabs me one, I pay and walk out with my friend. I look at what I bought and noticed I wasn't holding the big cookie. I tell my friend to wait at a table and watch my food while I go back and get my cookie. I go back in to the lady who sold me my meal and reminded her how I wanted that cookie. She said she wasn't giving me the cookie, although I paid for it, because she saw that I was trying to steal some food. I get angry at the lunch-lady and ask her "why the heck would I steal food I don't even go to this school?" and "Why are you treating me like a student? This is BS this is exactly why I never liked it here." I never received an answer...