Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 29, 2010:

A friend and I were being chased by a black and white snake.


I am walking up a flight of stairs like to an attic and I get to the top and I see my ex boyfriend sitting a chair with no arms or legs bawling his eyes out.

Notes: Recurring dream


I was an undercover detective/lawyer on assignment in Istanbul (although, it looked a lot more like Las Vegas) searching for the lover of an FBI agent suspected of racketeering. I had to cross a river to get to the hotel they were staying at but the bridge was destroyed in a recent natural disaster. So I waited until an airplane flew by on preparation to land and simply jumped up behind the airplane and glided across the river using the air coming off of it's wings as a jet-stream. After gliding across, I realized I was shirtless and went to a local shop to buy a white shirt. After finding the FBI lover's hotel room, I convinced her to stop cheating on her lover and help me with my case. I then handed her a mattress filled with drugs and told her I would contact her soon. Then I woke up.


I had a dream that I was in this dark room and then the light came on and this guy who was standing before me was a bit odd, he was covered in black tight plastic all over his body, his face, everywhere. When I attempted to get up and walk he just pointed and for some reason he had full and complete control over me. He pointed to some section of the room, and I just sat there until he pointed somewhere else. I moved again. Then I saw my mom and she told me I shouldn't talk to strangers. Then I woke up.


I dreamt of my husband cheating on me,and I am devastated. I catch him sneaking to the girls place... catch him red handed. He is not feeling guilty and I'm crying.

Notes: This dream occurred to me very vivid and detailed like a movie, around 5 in the morning.


I dreamed a beautiful shaggy white puppy jumped on me while I was standing. I petted the puppy and I could feel its claws on me. It was very realistic. I could even feel the texture of the puppies soft white hair.


So, I was out laser taggin' it up at a place called Scally Wag Tag which is all pirate themed laser tag. Right in the middle there is a big pirate ship and me and my friend run to it because we are under heavy fire from the opposing team. When we finally make it to the ship we run into our squad leader who, after some deciphering, turns out to be Peter Francis Geraci. At this point I start laughing and turn around and start whispering to friend about how my brother always used to leave bogus messages for him and stuff. So Peter overhears me and my friend laughing and learns of the stories I have told and starts chasing after us feverishly to exact revenge. And then I woke up.


I had a dream about my mom. She was in the kitchen and she was talking with 2 of my aunts. They were talking about how good she was doing. Both of these aunts have been dead for 10 plus years now. My mother recently had a stroke and has no use of her right side, but in the dream she had made a total recovery.