Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 20, 2010:

I knew the cast of Seinfeld. I stole two Cokes from a cop. Then this guy thought he was going to jail so he gave me all of his money. I spent it all on junk food. Then he found out he wasn’t going to jail and so I laughed because now he was broke!


I was at Denny’s with a friend, but they would not seat us until we first went to the museum in their basement. The museum was enormous, the size of several airplane hangars. At one exhibit, we were trapped under a parachute. The employees were very pushy about wanting us to donate to their blood drive, but we didn’t do it. After taking an Escher-like series of escalators, we ended up back at the restaurant, though it was now very upscale. We had to leave before we ate though, because a mudslide was coming. We packed a van full of high tech equipment and drove into a river. The end!

Dreams from January 19, 2010:

I was back in elementary school with all the same people, but we were 21. The school flooded and we had to swim out to evacuate. Everyone got on buses to go home. But I went back and the teachers were having a buffet of chili, so I grabbed a bowl and indulged.


I am at the ocean with my son and we are watching the huge waves which, interestingly enough, roll from side to side rather than toward the shore. We have heard that these waves are healing waves and we know that we have to find a way to go under them -- with the water above our heads and us still standing -- in order to receive the healing powers. We are excited and wary at the same time.


I am standing outside in an area near my house. It is winter and everything is covered in snow. A girl i know from college suddenly walks up holding a blue and purple skate board deck. She says hello and goes over to a hill just to my left. She uses the deck like a snow board to go down the hill. When she returns we are inside a mall and the hill has turned to escalators. Her ex-boyfriend is chasing her. He is saying the deck was his and wants payment. I try to calm him down but he gets more angry and aggressive. I end up fighting him but neither of us can swing our arms fast enough to hurt each other. We stop fighting but he is still angry. We are in a department store and he steals an entire rack of womens underwear. Then i woke up.