Global Dream Log

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Dreams from February 26, 2010:

I was walking in my dream and came across a zigzag path that was hard to pass through with my friend I didn't know of. I passed through it and came to walk on top of tortoises that were marching towards me in long lines and strides like snakes I could not imagine. On top of these tortoises running water that was too slippery was just flowing on them as I kept jumping and jumping on top of these tortoises until I was past them. I later found myself in a my former primary school. And that ends my dream.

Note:Any true meaning of this please leave a comment


My grandmom expired and it has been past one month. Today I saw a dream in which she was here and she was very ill, and after some time she died. She was on the death bed and everyone was offering flowers to her when everyone left and only I was waiting near my grandmom. She was talking from her death bed to me and that means she did not die but we kept her in her death bed.

Dreams from February 25, 2010:

This one is super strange and choppy, but here goes: I was trying to get into this giant, purple inflatable house. I'm not sure why. I was standing on top of it, and noticed two cardboard statues of liberty connected to the roof. One was normal looking (apart from being only 6ft. tall and cardboard), but the other (also 6ft. tall and cardboard) was black and yellow, and it had a black sun behind the head of the statue. I ripped this one off of the roof, ripped it in half, threw it on the ground, and jumped into the house through the hole in the roof I had just created when I ripped the statue off of the roof. That's all. You figure it out.


This one was confusing to sort through when I woke up, but I'll do my best to explain it in a manner that makes sense. A man killed a woman that I was close to (it wasn't clear exactly what the relation was, but I definitely cared about her). He and I then both went back in time to a point at which the woman was still alive (I have no idea how or why). Then, I was trying to kill him before he could kill her. Here's the hilarious part: the whole thing was narrated by Bob Costas... Guess I've been watching too much of the Olympics lately.


I see that I am flying high in open sky. I am happy.

Note: This is a recurring dream.