Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 28, 2010:

I was in a hospice center where my grandfather was once being treated, but he had passed away like two years ago, so me and all of my family were standing all around the room and my grandmother was calling out his name.."Robert" and then he turned his head in the bed and it was my DAD!..this dream broke my heart.

Notes: Lancaster,PA, United States, Age 19, Female


I am in my basement which has about a 6 1/2 foot ceiling but I'm sitting atop about a 15 foot ladder. I'm just kind of chilling there, sitting on the label that warns you not to sit on the top when I feel the ladder start to sway. Then it sways violently and begins to topple over, I fall off the top and begin to fall. Now that I'm falling now I'm about 30 feet in the air. I'm falling and I know that the way I'm falling I'm going to break my spine because I'm falling ass first. I wake up...

Notes: This was weird because usually when I'm falling in a dream is because I'm on the edge of my bed and about to fall. But I was right in the center of my bed this time. I also was very frighted and sweaty when I woke up.


I lived in a huge house with tons of my closest friends and people in my life. My ex also lived in this house and this is a serious ex who I had not spoken to in months. I looked out the window and noticed someone approaching the house and for some reason I knew they were coming to get me, to take me. I ran into my ex's room and was screaming and upset. My ex through my under the bed and went out to see what was going on. But in the end, the person found me and got me anyways and I woke up.


I was sitting with my friend and she was talking about about herself for forever. I got angry and told her how selfish she was. Then I went on a rant about all the major events that have happened in my life in the past year and how she didn't know about any of them because she wouldn't listen and only cared about herself. Then I left and to calm down I ate an ice cream cone... then I woke up.


I went to a clothing store and bought myself some gray shoes which I found amazing! I get home and I want to wear the shoes but all I have is baggy jeans and these shoes need to be worn with skinny jeans. I am angry, what a waist of good shoes...


I was driving to my mother's house using an over-elaborate system of highways. As I approached, it appeared as though her house stood alone on an island surrounded by a calm gray ocean. When I got closer, I realized that the ocean was actually ash - her house was surrounded by miles and miles of ashes.


There was a mouse that was destroying everything and making people sick, but nobody could catch it. They gave me the choice to take the mouse's place and come to them which would mean I would die, but I would save everybody else from being sick and maybe dying. I did it, and woke up crying.


I dreamed that I was traveling in a red car, like a recent version Audi. I was with my best friend, and the guy that was driving was a person well known to me, a male that recently introduced me to a guy which I like very much and he likes me too but the circumstances don't permit us to stay together. The travel was in the middle of a forest. That's all!


I was dreaming about snakes that wanted to bite my husband and I tried to save him.


I was Clive Owen giving a tour of downtown Haiti late in the evening to bunch of preschool children. Suddenly, there was another earthquake. I tried my best to get the children out into the street but they were afraid of wolves in the area. Wolves then start to appear out in the street. So I put on a Winnie-the-Pooh costume, lure the wolves to a train station, and trick them onto one of the train tracks. A train hits the wolves, and I save the children.