Global Dream Log

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I'm back at my old high-school. I'm going through the lunch line with the kid who was my best friend at the time. We go through and pick out our food and go to check out. I stop the lunch-lady and say "wait, I want one of those BIG cookies!". she grabs me one, I pay and walk out with my friend. I look at what I bought and noticed I wasn't holding the big cookie. I tell my friend to wait at a table and watch my food while I go back and get my cookie. I go back in to the lady who sold me my meal and reminded her how I wanted that cookie. She said she wasn't giving me the cookie, although I paid for it, because she saw that I was trying to steal some food. I get angry at the lunch-lady and ask her "why the heck would I steal food I don't even go to this school?" and "Why are you treating me like a student? This is BS this is exactly why I never liked it here." I never received an answer...

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