Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 24, 2010:

I am in an unknown urban area. I am walking around neighborhoods in-between houses and such. I see a man walking a dog. The only thing is the dog happens to be an evil little Tigger The Tiger from Winnie The Pooh. Tigger escapes his owner and runs right at me. Instinctively I run but Tigger apparently is quite fast. I get bit a few times and his teeth are very sharp and screwed so it draws blood. I run until I reach a friends house who is out on his porch. I run there and grab a weak wooden crate that is sitting there. I put it over Tigger and it restrains him for the time being. But Tigger is very strong and this isn't going to hold for long. So I scream to my friend to get something heavy to put on the crate so that I can just escape for a second even if he's going to break through it eventually. But the heavy object is never found...

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