Global Dream Log

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I am at the house I grew up in. I look into our back yard and see that it is now a lake where there used to be grass. I get into the lake yard and swim under water. I see a piranha not too far away. I'm not worried about him because it doesn't seem aggressive. I continue to look around, and when I get to a tree behind my house I see a whole school of different piranha. These are a very dangerous kind that will attack me. I quickly get back to the patio that is cement and not under water. My mom comes out and puts a bright yellow saltwater fish that we used to have in the water. I try to catch the fish before the dangerous piranha eat it. I save the fish but it has been bitten along with the back of my hand that I put in the water. When I go into the house the fish is gone and my mother hands me a very cute baby. I am holding it when my mother tells me that it is mine. The next time I look down the baby is ugly and has one brown and one greenish eye. It starts crying and I panic.

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