Global Dream Log

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I am just outside my house and there is a lot of snow on the ground. I can hear my mother yelling at my brother because he has not shoveled the snow. I am in a car that I am trying to accelerate and get over a large mound of snow without much success. Since we can't get any of the cars out my dad has to take me out in his plane. We are on the main road going to school and in front of us is a large airliner that is completely covered in a bright blue paint. Windows, tires, engines, it is all covered blue. It powers up and takes off which is apparently against the law (but driving on the roads in your plane isn't?). As we get to school I see the blue plan crash into the football stadium. I am in the highschool and everyone is wearing costumes. I remember one girl is a oatmeal raisin cookie. I realize that i don't know where my locker is or any of the classes i am supposed to be going to. I decide to get some food and end up with a half eaten cheeseburger. Then i woke up.

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