Global Dream Log

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I am on the roof of a brick building. On either side the building is connected to towers that rise up. a few other people and myself are playing a shooting game with people on the ground. I try to get a big fat woman but cannot hit anything because the sight on my gun is terrible. When i finally hit her the bullets bounce off and she is no out. The scene changes and i am at walmart shopping for a new gun. The only nice looking pistols are BB guns and will not work for the game. There are others that are much too large and shoot big bullets. The only one that will work looks like three different colored balls. (kind of snow man shaped with a handle) Next i am in my basement testing out the new gun on a dart board. I find out that it shoots darts. I go to look at the darts and realize that they drop some strange cereal with dried fruit when they hit. I wake up just after taking a bite of a dried orange slice with peel and all.

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