Global Dream Log

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First I was at a mine where the miners had to hold on to a conveyor belt to get home. Someone threw a kitten on the belt to try to get one of the miners to let go, but someone saved it and gave it to me. I named it something ridiculous. The second one wasn't so lucky. Then I was in a mall and I realized that I had some sunglasses that weren't mine on my face - I had stolen them! I tried to figure out where to bring them back to so that no one would notice they were gone. I couldn't find the store, and at some point the glasses disappeared. Then I'm in a gondola going up hill with a girl I know and a strange older man. I'm explaining to him about a sternum rub and how it is used on comatose patients. He wonders why it hurts so much and I try to explain the blood supply to the area. I don't remember him understanding it. But we talked about playing rec soccer and I remember having massive blisters on my feet.

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