Global Dream Log

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Dreams from January 31, 2010:

I dreamt that I was eating leaves.

Notes: Female, Age 7


I was dreaming that I was sitting in my doctors rooms all of a sudden there were spiders coming from everywhere. They were falling out of the roof by the thousands. I ran out and screamed for somebody to help me get them off, but no one helped me. Just after that I was dreaming that me and my little daughter were asleep and I looked under the pillows and just saw small little black ants on the pillows.


A big bird ate cats and dogs. All that was left was their skin.

Notes: Male, Age 5


I was in class, but for some reason class was being held in my room. The lecture was really boring and I had trouble following along. One student fell asleep and the professor screamed at him until he left. I didn't want to get in trouble for sleeping in class, so when we took a break, I ran downstairs to my kitchen to grab some coffee. For some reason, the only coffee I could find was pizza flavored, which is more disgusting in retrospect. I ran back upstairs to class, and then I woke up.

Dreams from January 30, 2010:

I was in my friend’s concrete basement. I told my brother to go shovel the snow. Then my friends tied off my arm and injected me with drugs, though I didn’t resist. They specifically said it was Tryptophan, but it made me energized and euphoric/manic. While I was in that state, we watched an educational video about the job market and economic downturn. My friend’s dad came down and told us that the TVs at my house are cheap because they would not be big enough to adequately fill the Grand Canyon. I then put on a Snuggie and pretended I was a shark. Somehow I ended up on a log in a swamp at night with my friend’s family. As they paddled, the front of the log kept dipping into the water along with me. We were ambushed by crocodiles near a swamp-side house. Everyone else jumped onto the house’s deck, but I was stuck hanging off of the side. My friend’s dad kept telling me not to roll because it would cause the crocodiles to bite me and go into a death roll. Then I woke up.


Two tall and fair old men, one in yellow a gown and another in white dress, came to my home with marriage proposals for me. They showed me many different pictures of boys to choose from.

Notes: Female, Age 26, India


I am with an older woman who I do not recognize but somehow I am sure she is my grandmother. We walk into a large house that she owns but has not lived in for some time. After a few minutes we walk into a room and find that there is a squatter sleeping there. It turns out to be Van Wilder. Shocked that he was in the house we decide to let him stay since my grandma doesn't live there anyway. I go upstairs where the whole floor is built like a loft. There are three rooms that are all more or less connected into one larger room. I find that Van's assistant Taj is also upstairs now. They are in the middle of setting up a ping pong table and a pinball machine for his new living quarters. I look around and am thinking how cool this place is going to be and what a great party you could throw there when I wake up.


I bring a friend to my wrestling practice to show him what it is like. I arrive to see people with books spread out studying on the mat. I ask the coach what all these people are doing. He reminds me that it's Sunday. I say "yea, but there is practice on Sundays." He responds with "Yea that's Sunday mornings, this is Sunday night." ...ok, but why is it a library on Sunday nights...?

Dreams from January 29, 2010:

A friend and I were being chased by a black and white snake.


I am walking up a flight of stairs like to an attic and I get to the top and I see my ex boyfriend sitting a chair with no arms or legs bawling his eyes out.

Notes: Recurring dream


I was an undercover detective/lawyer on assignment in Istanbul (although, it looked a lot more like Las Vegas) searching for the lover of an FBI agent suspected of racketeering. I had to cross a river to get to the hotel they were staying at but the bridge was destroyed in a recent natural disaster. So I waited until an airplane flew by on preparation to land and simply jumped up behind the airplane and glided across the river using the air coming off of it's wings as a jet-stream. After gliding across, I realized I was shirtless and went to a local shop to buy a white shirt. After finding the FBI lover's hotel room, I convinced her to stop cheating on her lover and help me with my case. I then handed her a mattress filled with drugs and told her I would contact her soon. Then I woke up.


I had a dream that I was in this dark room and then the light came on and this guy who was standing before me was a bit odd, he was covered in black tight plastic all over his body, his face, everywhere. When I attempted to get up and walk he just pointed and for some reason he had full and complete control over me. He pointed to some section of the room, and I just sat there until he pointed somewhere else. I moved again. Then I saw my mom and she told me I shouldn't talk to strangers. Then I woke up.


I dreamt of my husband cheating on me,and I am devastated. I catch him sneaking to the girls place... catch him red handed. He is not feeling guilty and I'm crying.

Notes: This dream occurred to me very vivid and detailed like a movie, around 5 in the morning.


I dreamed a beautiful shaggy white puppy jumped on me while I was standing. I petted the puppy and I could feel its claws on me. It was very realistic. I could even feel the texture of the puppies soft white hair.


So, I was out laser taggin' it up at a place called Scally Wag Tag which is all pirate themed laser tag. Right in the middle there is a big pirate ship and me and my friend run to it because we are under heavy fire from the opposing team. When we finally make it to the ship we run into our squad leader who, after some deciphering, turns out to be Peter Francis Geraci. At this point I start laughing and turn around and start whispering to friend about how my brother always used to leave bogus messages for him and stuff. So Peter overhears me and my friend laughing and learns of the stories I have told and starts chasing after us feverishly to exact revenge. And then I woke up.


I had a dream about my mom. She was in the kitchen and she was talking with 2 of my aunts. They were talking about how good she was doing. Both of these aunts have been dead for 10 plus years now. My mother recently had a stroke and has no use of her right side, but in the dream she had made a total recovery.

Dreams from January 28, 2010:

I was in a hospice center where my grandfather was once being treated, but he had passed away like two years ago, so me and all of my family were standing all around the room and my grandmother was calling out his name.."Robert" and then he turned his head in the bed and it was my DAD!..this dream broke my heart.

Notes: Lancaster,PA, United States, Age 19, Female


I am in my basement which has about a 6 1/2 foot ceiling but I'm sitting atop about a 15 foot ladder. I'm just kind of chilling there, sitting on the label that warns you not to sit on the top when I feel the ladder start to sway. Then it sways violently and begins to topple over, I fall off the top and begin to fall. Now that I'm falling now I'm about 30 feet in the air. I'm falling and I know that the way I'm falling I'm going to break my spine because I'm falling ass first. I wake up...

Notes: This was weird because usually when I'm falling in a dream is because I'm on the edge of my bed and about to fall. But I was right in the center of my bed this time. I also was very frighted and sweaty when I woke up.


I lived in a huge house with tons of my closest friends and people in my life. My ex also lived in this house and this is a serious ex who I had not spoken to in months. I looked out the window and noticed someone approaching the house and for some reason I knew they were coming to get me, to take me. I ran into my ex's room and was screaming and upset. My ex through my under the bed and went out to see what was going on. But in the end, the person found me and got me anyways and I woke up.


I was sitting with my friend and she was talking about about herself for forever. I got angry and told her how selfish she was. Then I went on a rant about all the major events that have happened in my life in the past year and how she didn't know about any of them because she wouldn't listen and only cared about herself. Then I left and to calm down I ate an ice cream cone... then I woke up.


I went to a clothing store and bought myself some gray shoes which I found amazing! I get home and I want to wear the shoes but all I have is baggy jeans and these shoes need to be worn with skinny jeans. I am angry, what a waist of good shoes...


I was driving to my mother's house using an over-elaborate system of highways. As I approached, it appeared as though her house stood alone on an island surrounded by a calm gray ocean. When I got closer, I realized that the ocean was actually ash - her house was surrounded by miles and miles of ashes.


There was a mouse that was destroying everything and making people sick, but nobody could catch it. They gave me the choice to take the mouse's place and come to them which would mean I would die, but I would save everybody else from being sick and maybe dying. I did it, and woke up crying.


I dreamed that I was traveling in a red car, like a recent version Audi. I was with my best friend, and the guy that was driving was a person well known to me, a male that recently introduced me to a guy which I like very much and he likes me too but the circumstances don't permit us to stay together. The travel was in the middle of a forest. That's all!


I was dreaming about snakes that wanted to bite my husband and I tried to save him.


I was Clive Owen giving a tour of downtown Haiti late in the evening to bunch of preschool children. Suddenly, there was another earthquake. I tried my best to get the children out into the street but they were afraid of wolves in the area. Wolves then start to appear out in the street. So I put on a Winnie-the-Pooh costume, lure the wolves to a train station, and trick them onto one of the train tracks. A train hits the wolves, and I save the children.

Dreams from January 27, 2010:

I am in my house with a friend whom my dad has never met. My dad isn't home but me and my friend are hanging out in the basement. We go to walk up the stairs to get something to eat. I see my dad is in the room past the top of the stairs and I freak out. My friend who's in the middle of the stair case is just standing there looking at me. I discreetly whisper so him to "go back down the stairs." He just stares at me. I quietly ask again and he just stares at me. I scream at the top of my lungs "GO DOWN THE STAIRS!" He still just stands there. "GO THE F*** DOWN THE STAIRS MY DADS GOING TO HEAR YOU!". He never moved...


I'm back at my old highschool who yearly has a notoriously bad football team. I am on the field, not necessarily on the team, but I'm around. The coach of my school points to me and demands I go out and kick off in the middle of the game which we are already getting killed in. This apparently is an opportunity too big to pass up. I go out and kick off and do a terrible job and the opposing team returns it for a touchdown. Naturally the coach puts me in to do the same thing again and to the same result I did. Now the team is mad at me alone for losing the game...

Dreams from January 26, 2010:

I was working in my office when Dr. Cox from Scrubs showed up. Somehow I tricked him into completing all of my paperwork for me, which he was not happy about.


I'm back at my old high-school. I'm going through the lunch line with the kid who was my best friend at the time. We go through and pick out our food and go to check out. I stop the lunch-lady and say "wait, I want one of those BIG cookies!". she grabs me one, I pay and walk out with my friend. I look at what I bought and noticed I wasn't holding the big cookie. I tell my friend to wait at a table and watch my food while I go back and get my cookie. I go back in to the lady who sold me my meal and reminded her how I wanted that cookie. She said she wasn't giving me the cookie, although I paid for it, because she saw that I was trying to steal some food. I get angry at the lunch-lady and ask her "why the heck would I steal food I don't even go to this school?" and "Why are you treating me like a student? This is BS this is exactly why I never liked it here." I never received an answer...

Dreams from January 25, 2010:

I went to Denny’s in the morning to make a reservation for 7:00pm. I was told that the last table was just reserved by The Who. Disappointed, I jokingly told the hostess that that shouldn’t matter because I was a member of the Rolling Stones. She believed me and said there would be a table ready. When I showed up that night with some family and friends, Denny’s told The Who they had to leave and give us their table because the Rolling Stones were much better. Needless to say, they were mad, especially the one who know I wasn’t in the Rolling Stones. I apologized, but still took their table. Afterwards, the food was disgusting and the service was awful – the waitress even said she was doing a bad job. Then I mercifully woke up.


I am in a bad area in the city of Chicago on my way to school. I notice a friend of mine standing very cautiously at a strange abandoned intersection. I walk towards him and a man with a knife jumps out and attacks me. My friend is gone. I wrestle the attacker to the ground and the knife gets away from him. He tells me how easily he could go grab the knife and finish me even though he is trying to grab it and I'm restraining him. I then kick him off of me and when he bends over to pick up the knife I kick him square in the face and he falls back to the ground. He turns over to crawl over to the knife, so I kick him in the side of the face again and again until he stops moving...

Dreams from January 24, 2010:

I am in an unknown urban area. I am walking around neighborhoods in-between houses and such. I see a man walking a dog. The only thing is the dog happens to be an evil little Tigger The Tiger from Winnie The Pooh. Tigger escapes his owner and runs right at me. Instinctively I run but Tigger apparently is quite fast. I get bit a few times and his teeth are very sharp and screwed so it draws blood. I run until I reach a friends house who is out on his porch. I run there and grab a weak wooden crate that is sitting there. I put it over Tigger and it restrains him for the time being. But Tigger is very strong and this isn't going to hold for long. So I scream to my friend to get something heavy to put on the crate so that I can just escape for a second even if he's going to break through it eventually. But the heavy object is never found...


I had a dream that the four neighbor kids all had the same birthday, so I bought them one purple T-shirt and told them to share. When they got mad I started asking for their shirt sizes so I could buy them each a shirt, but I never got around to it in the end.


I am just outside my house and there is a lot of snow on the ground. I can hear my mother yelling at my brother because he has not shoveled the snow. I am in a car that I am trying to accelerate and get over a large mound of snow without much success. Since we can't get any of the cars out my dad has to take me out in his plane. We are on the main road going to school and in front of us is a large airliner that is completely covered in a bright blue paint. Windows, tires, engines, it is all covered blue. It powers up and takes off which is apparently against the law (but driving on the roads in your plane isn't?). As we get to school I see the blue plan crash into the football stadium. I am in the highschool and everyone is wearing costumes. I remember one girl is a oatmeal raisin cookie. I realize that i don't know where my locker is or any of the classes i am supposed to be going to. I decide to get some food and end up with a half eaten cheeseburger. Then i woke up.


I'm on a road trip with some friends. I am super hungry so I ask the driver to stop at the world's biggest candy store. I walk into the candy store and walk up and down every isle and cannot decide what to get. I realize I am taking a very long time so I decide to make a quick decision and grab some Sprite, what it was doing there, who knows. But I walk out to the car with a big smile on my face as my friends look very angry. I ask them what's wrong and they question how I spent 2 hours in a candy store and walked out with a single Sprite...

Dreams from January 23, 2010:

I had a dream that I was at my senior prom in my dream dress. Everyone else was a giant, grocery store turkey wearing a tuxedo. It was deeply disturbing!


I found out that in order to graduate college, I had to go back and repeat my 8th grade gym class. When I arrived, it was not gym class, but boot camp. Everyone had to run, but my job was to time them by throwing a stopwatch up in the air. When we were done, we parachuted into battle in the parking lot across the street from my house. My unit was supposed to assemble a cannon, but I got distracted fighting a cheetah in hand-to-hand combat in the snow. Then I ended up at a hospital trying to visit my mom. It was a giant futuristic hospital made mostly of glass. I searched floors 3-9 but couldn’t find her. She found me in the parking garage, and she was feeling much better so she gave me a piggyback ride. My friends appeared, and we couldn’t remember where we parked, but we did find Spiderman’s car, which was an SUV with purple under glow. We had guns that shot feathers so we fired them until it started to snow. We realized we were playing in the street and should move, and I woke up.


I am on the roof of a brick building. On either side the building is connected to towers that rise up. a few other people and myself are playing a shooting game with people on the ground. I try to get a big fat woman but cannot hit anything because the sight on my gun is terrible. When i finally hit her the bullets bounce off and she is no out. The scene changes and i am at walmart shopping for a new gun. The only nice looking pistols are BB guns and will not work for the game. There are others that are much too large and shoot big bullets. The only one that will work looks like three different colored balls. (kind of snow man shaped with a handle) Next i am in my basement testing out the new gun on a dart board. I find out that it shoots darts. I go to look at the darts and realize that they drop some strange cereal with dried fruit when they hit. I wake up just after taking a bite of a dried orange slice with peel and all.


My husband picks me up at work. He has our suitcases in the car and we are on our way to the airport. He asks me if I have the tickets. "Why would I have the tickets? You came from the house with the suitcases while I was at work? The tickets are at home." He responds that it is my job to have the tickets.

Dreams from January 22, 2010:

I was an astronaut. I was at a grocery store parking lot and I found out I was going into space, so random people kept picking me up and running around the parking lot with me. Then I went into space with four other astronauts and one actor for some reason. We got to a space station and found blueberry muffins and blueberry Kool-Aid in the fridge which told us there must have been some Russian spies around. Then one guy floated out into space, but we reeled him back in with a fishing pole. They made a documentary about our trip and now it plays all the time on Channel 3. Also, I was left handed.


My husband and I are visiting an older couple who I believe to be my in-laws (but they are not). The couple is having an argument. The husband accuses the wife of spending too much time with household chores and not enough with him. She responds that she has her hands full taking care of him and his stupid finger.


It was my birthday. I was at a casino with a bunch of family and friends. I badly wanted to enjoy my birthday with drinking, gambling, and good company, but some family members weren't into gambling and only wanted to "see the sights." Some friends were angry with other friends, and dramatic situations continued to pile up. One friend was impossible to find because they were off playing poker in some casino by themselves. Eventually I snapped and just went to one of the virtual black-jack games and bet a few hundred dollars. I lost it all.

Dreams from January 21, 2010:

I'm at a wedding reception. A very pretty red-haired girl starts flirting with me. She takes me to a magical closet on the far side of the room. She takes me inside, closes the door, and takes off her clothes. She then runs out of the closet and, magically, becomes invisible. She urges me to do the same and to then go find her- like hide-and-seek. I strip naked, and open the closet door, only to find that it only half worked on me- I'm only half invisible. Suddenly, people throughout the reception start screaming that female guests are vanishing from the reception. I put my clothes back on and come out of the closet to search for the now invisible red-haired girl. I wander around the building searching in rooms. I come across a room filled with pirates, who are tying up and mistreating all of the missing reception girls. So, I grab a nearby coat-hanger, notice one of the pirates is Johnny Depp, and beat them all up saving the missing wedding guests, and my invisible red-haired girl.


I was with my family on a vacation in Italy. I was taking photographs of what I thought was ancient rubble, but I was then told that it used to be the Leaning Tower of Pisa until it fell down, only moments ago. Then my family turned into a group of friends, or maybe a class field trip. We went to a restaurant, but were not seated together – we were spread out at different tables and all sitting with strangers. Then I remembered that we were Delta Force and were supposed to be preparing for an important mission. Just then a bomb went off downtown – I think at the Coliseum. I and the rest of Delta Force got up and ran towards the explosion, and I woke up.

Dreams from January 20, 2010:

I knew the cast of Seinfeld. I stole two Cokes from a cop. Then this guy thought he was going to jail so he gave me all of his money. I spent it all on junk food. Then he found out he wasn’t going to jail and so I laughed because now he was broke!


I was at Denny’s with a friend, but they would not seat us until we first went to the museum in their basement. The museum was enormous, the size of several airplane hangars. At one exhibit, we were trapped under a parachute. The employees were very pushy about wanting us to donate to their blood drive, but we didn’t do it. After taking an Escher-like series of escalators, we ended up back at the restaurant, though it was now very upscale. We had to leave before we ate though, because a mudslide was coming. We packed a van full of high tech equipment and drove into a river. The end!

Dreams from January 19, 2010:

I was back in elementary school with all the same people, but we were 21. The school flooded and we had to swim out to evacuate. Everyone got on buses to go home. But I went back and the teachers were having a buffet of chili, so I grabbed a bowl and indulged.


I am at the ocean with my son and we are watching the huge waves which, interestingly enough, roll from side to side rather than toward the shore. We have heard that these waves are healing waves and we know that we have to find a way to go under them -- with the water above our heads and us still standing -- in order to receive the healing powers. We are excited and wary at the same time.


I am standing outside in an area near my house. It is winter and everything is covered in snow. A girl i know from college suddenly walks up holding a blue and purple skate board deck. She says hello and goes over to a hill just to my left. She uses the deck like a snow board to go down the hill. When she returns we are inside a mall and the hill has turned to escalators. Her ex-boyfriend is chasing her. He is saying the deck was his and wants payment. I try to calm him down but he gets more angry and aggressive. I end up fighting him but neither of us can swing our arms fast enough to hurt each other. We stop fighting but he is still angry. We are in a department store and he steals an entire rack of womens underwear. Then i woke up.

Dreams from January 18, 2010:

I was at a party with some friends, but I got sick. I rewound time, but got sick again, so we left on a school bus that burned CDs for us. We ended up at a beach with matching swim trunks and towels. We were diving into the ocean, and in doing so I fractured my arm. At the hospital I got a cast, and the doctor gave me his pen, which was of some significance. On the way out, I passed some business women who took the stairs. I got on the elevator with four other people. We were on the fourth floor, going to the first floor. As the doors closed, the elevator operator warned us that if the elevator didn't make stops at each floor, the power would be cut, and we would hit the ground at 35mph. We went into a free fall, and I woke up.


I am sitting at the kitchen table with my husband, eating breakfast. Outside of the large bay window, I spot a dead puppy in the driveway. My sadness is diverted by the sudden and rapid growth of a tree immediately outside the window. On one branch, on one stem, high up on the tree, grows a goldfish. Then the puppy springs back to life and eats the goldfish. I am overwhelmed by the sense that there is meaning to be had here, but I do not understand.


I am following around a small Asian boy who is beating up bad guys with incredible karate moves. suddenly he gets a message from his watch phone. He hangs up and rockets upward with a jet on his back somehow. I am still following and really hoping it is because i have a sweet rocket too. We are now in a fighter ship in space surrounded by three massive battle stations. I watch the automatic laser turrets out the window blow fighters around us to pieces so fast that we overload the ships targeting computer. The Asian boy fires some missile at the battle stations that creates a black hole destroying them all. As we are going back to tell a commander about the new black hole everyone in the command room stops and i realize i am in a movie and the director just called cut.